Plant Search » Plants for Hummingbirds
'Romeo Rubin' is a stunning form of Echeveria agavoides in which the normally apple green leaves are rich red and burgundy.
'Scarlet' is a dramatic form of Echeveria agavoides in which the normally apple green leaves are nearly completely flushed w/ burgundy red.
Echeveria cante 'White Shadow' is a dramatic cultivar with powdery silver-white leaves with hints of pink and blue.
Echeveria colorata 'Mexican Giant' is a large plant with very thick, fleshy, silver white to silver blue leaves often flushed with lavender pink.
Echeveria cuspidata var. zaragozae forms small, compact rosettes of pale blue leaves with purple tips.
Echeveria elegans 'Raspberry Ice' develops lovely pink tones around icy blue interiors especially on older leaves.
Echeveria gibbiflora var. metallica has broad, spoon-shaped bluish leaves glowing with and highlighted in pink on large plants.
Echeveria laui forms large rosettes of thick, tongue-like leaves in silver to palest silver-blue.
Echeveria lilacina forms flat rosettes with a "rosebud" shape in shades of silvery-grey almost white with a pearlescent blue hue and lavender flush in sun.
Echeveria lutea is an unusual succulent. Each leaf looks like a little canoe!
Echeveria minima Variegated is a special form with sky blue succulent leaves with ivory white margins.
Echeveria pelusida is an echeveria with thick, upward-curving, silvery-blue leaves with a striking red line on its margins.
Echeveria purpusorum 'Red' has small, grey-green rosettes with burgundy-red speckling.
Echeveria rundelli is so super cute forming small rosettes of numerous jelly bean-like, powder blue leaves each with white to blonde whisker-like hairs on the leaf tips.
Echeveria rusbyi is known as leatherpetals and forms cute, chocolate brown to blue-green rosette with white, star-shaped flowers.
Echeveria setosa is a tender succulent with red flowers and soft, fuzzy silver-white hair on green leaves.
Echeveria setosa 'Super White' is covered in a short fur of silver-white hairs.
Echeveria subcorymbosa Lau 030 has uniquely angled leaves in tones of blue-green to powder blue with pink and lavender.
Echeveria 'Angela Star' is a special cultivar that develops gorgeous, glowing tones of salmon orange.
Echeveria 'Avocado Cream' has thick, creamy, grey-green leaves the colour of guacamole.
Echeveria 'Baekya' ('White Night') has leaves emerging pastel green and developing muted tones of red, pink, chocolate, and copper.
Echeveria 'Bella' forms a tight cluster of lightly hairy, apple green leaves that can flush beautifully with orange and red.
Echeveria 'Ben Badis' forms small, compact, geometrical rosettes of greyish blue leaves with reddish tips.
Echeveria 'Big Lilac' is a large succulent with silver-blue rosettes of flattened leaves with a pink edge.
Echeveria 'Big Red' forms large rosettes of red-flushed foliage with glowing pinkish red edges.