Plant Search » Deer Resistant Plants
Chionodoxa forbesii 'Violet Beauty', glory-of-the-snow, is one of the first spring bulbs to bloom with its starry pink-violet flowers and white centres.
Chionodoxa luciliae 'Alba', glory-of-the-snow, is one of the first bulbs to bloom in spring with its pure white flowers.
Choisya 'Bluestone' is a Cistus Nursery introduction with finely textured, linear leaflets in shades of greenish blue.
Chrysogonum virginiana var. australe or goldenstar is a an evergreen ground cover with single yellow flowers all summer long.
Poncirus trifoliata is the hardy trifoliate orange, a citrus relative that is a thorny, well-branched, deciduous shrub or small tree.
Poncirus trifoliata 'Monstrosa' or 'Flying Dragon' is a semi-dwarf form of the trifoliate orange with wonderful contorted stems.
Poncirus trifoliata 'Snow Dragon' is a variegated and contorted form of the trifoliate orange 'Monstrosa' or 'Flying Dragon'.
Clematis alpina 'Constance' displays deep purple-pink tepals with white staminodes.
Clematis alpina 'Francis Rivis' displays deep blue tepals with white staminodes.
Clematis cirrhosa 'Balearica' is an evergreen, winter-blooming species with fragrant, creamy white, bell-shaped flowers.
Clematis fasciculiflora has wonderful burgundy-infused new growth and silver-centred leaves with fragrant winter flowers.
Clematis florida 'Manju Kokonoe White' is a spectacular cultivar from Japan with double, creamy green and white flowers.
Clematis 'New Love' is a non-climbing bush clematis with fragrant blue flowers.
Clematis integrifolia 'Fascination' has 1.5" (4cm) deep and 1"(3cm) across dark glossy violet nodding bell shaped flowers.
Clematis 'Chloe' is a non-climbing, re-blooming bush clematis with violet flowers and yellow tipped anthers. Re-bloomer.
Clematis integrifolia 'Olgae' has 1.5" (4cm) deep and 2" (5cm) across mid-blue scented flowers that curve out and upwards.
Clematis koreana 'Fragans' is almost identical to C. koreana Brunet with a slight fragrance.
Clematis lanuginosa 'Candida' features crisp white 6-8" (15-20cm) blooms.
Clematis macropetala 'Jan Lindmark' is a unique dark purplish pink variety. 2-3" (5-8cm) double open bell shaped flowers.
Clematis montana 'Fragant Spring' offers masses of clear pink fragrant blooms.
Clematis recta is a non-twining clematis with rich burgundy foliage and hundreds of fragrant, star-like, vanilla-scented flowers.
Clematis tangutica 'Golden Harvest' has golden yellow nodding flowers with near black stamens.