Plant Search » List of Hardy Subtropical Plants
Soleirolia soleirolii ‘Aurea’ known as golden baby’s tears has golden evergreen leaves in lush moss-like mats.
Sprekelia formosissima is an Aztec lily with bold scarlet flowers of gracefully arching petals and strap- like green foliage.
Syneilesis palmata is a rarer species of umbrella plant than the related S. aconitifolia with broader, lighter green foliage that is more lush appearance.
Tigridia pavonia 'Alba Grandiflora' is an Iris relative with large, three-petaled white flowers with red central spots.
Tigridia pavonia 'Aurea' is an Iris relative with large, three-petaled yellow flowers with red central spots.
Tigridia pavonia 'Canariensis' is an Iris relative with large, three-petaled pale yellow flowers with red central spots.
Tigridia pavonia 'Lilacea' is an Iris relative with large, three-petaled deep pink flowers with red central spots.
Tigridia pavonia is an Iris relative with intriguing, three-petaled flowers with red central spots on flowers in bold, tropical shades of white, yellow, magenta, orange, and red.
Tigridia pavonia 'Speciosa' is an Iris relative with large, three-petaled coral red flowers with yellow centers covered with red spots.
Star jasmine, Trachelospermum jasminoides, is a beautiful, evergreen climber with masses of sweetly fragrant, white flowers.
Trachelospermum jasminoides 'Madison' is a more cold tolerant version of the star jasmine hardy to zone 7.
Trachelospermum jasminoides 'Pink Showers' is a special pink form of the normally white star jasmine.
Trachelospermum jasminoides 'Star of Toscane' is a more cold tolerant yellow form of the star jasmine.
Tropaeolum brachyceras is a climbing nasturtium with small leaves and thin tubular bright yellow flowers.
Climbing nasturtium, Tropaeolum speciosum, is a choice climbing vine with dainty stems and delicate, clover-like leaves that erupts into masses of bright red flowers in summer.
Tropaeolum tricolor is a climbing nasturtium with numerous funnel-shaped red, yellow, green, and purple flowers.
Tropaeolum tuberosum is a climbing nasturtium with small leaves and thin tubular orange flowers.
Tropaeolum tuberosum 'Ken Aslet' is an amazing climbing nasturtium with glaucous small leaves and thin tubular orange flowers.
Tupistra nutans has thick, strap-like, emerald green, evergreen leaves and edible flowers used in curries.
The Chilean guava, Ugni molinae, is an evergreen shrub with fragrant late spring flowers and tasty ruby red fruit.
The Chilean guava, Ugni molinae, has evergreen variegated foliage and tasty ruby red fruit.
Vasconcellea x heilbornii is a hybrid related to papaya that produces similar-looking fruit but is more cold tolerant.
Watsonia pyramidata 'Peach Glow' produces showy spikes of bright peachy orange, tubular flowers on erect, lance-shaped foliage.
Watsonia meriana produces showy spikes of bright orange, tubular flowers with creamy undersides.