Plant Search » List of Fragrant Plants
Lonicera caerulea 'Aurora' is a haskap or honeyberry selected for its high production of large, sweet berries.
Lonicera caerulea 'Berry Blue' is a haskap or honeyberry selected for its high production of large, tart berries.
Lonicera caerulea Blue Forest is a late blooming variety with a compact spreading form and large, dark blue, tasty fruit.
Lonicera caerulea Blue Hokkaido is a late blooming variety that is very popular in Japan with very large, sweet/tart, dark blue berries.
Lonicera caerulea Blue Mist is a late blooming variety producing abundant, large, tasty fruit with a nice sweet/tart flavour combo.
Lonicera caerulea Blue Moon is a late blooming variety with large, dark blue, tasty fruit.
Lonicera caerulea Blue Pacific offers a compact spreading form with light green foliage and large, light blue, flavourful fruit.
Lonicera caerulea Blue Pagoda is widely grown in northern Japan for its abundant crops of large, flavourful, sweet fruit.
Lonicera caerulea Blue Pacific offers a compact spreading form with velvety dark green foliage and very large, flavourful fruit.
Blue Velvet is a unique variety with greyish-green, velvet-like foliage on broadly spreading plants with tasty fruit.
Lonicera caerulea 'Boreal Beast' is a haskap or honeyberry said to have remarkable flavour either fresh or frozen.
Lonicera caerulea 'Boreal Beauty' is a haskap or honeyberry with very large, rounded fruit with delicious flavour.
Lonicera caerulea 'Boreal Blizzard' is a haskap or honeyberry with delicious fruit 2-3 times larger than other cultivars!
Lonicera caerulea 'Borealis' is a haskap or honeyberry selected for its high production of large, sweet and tangy berries.
Lonicera caerulea 'Tundra' is a haskap or honeyberry selected for its high production of large, sweet and tart berries.
Lonicera fragrantissima is a very fragrant winter-flowering honeysuckle shrub that blooms for us from January to March.
Lonicera henryi is an evergreen honeysuckle with flowers in shades of purple, pink, red, orange and yellow.
Lonicera japonica 'Halliana', Hall's honeysuckle, is a superb honeysuckle with fragrant white and yellow flowers.
Lonicera periclymenum 'Belgica', is a climber of merit with long-blooming, large, fragrant, deep pink flowers that fade to yellow.
Lonicera Peaches and Cream is a deliciously fragrant honeysuckle with burgundy red buds opening to creamy white, pink, and yellow flowers.
Lonicera periclymenum 'Serotina' is a wonderful climber with large, gorgeous, fragrant flowers.
Lonicera 'Kintzley's Ghost' has ghostly-silver spherical bracts all season long that cup the yellow flowers and the red berries.
Lonicera sempervirens 'Honey Coral' is a honeysuckle with red flowers for hummingbirds, butterflies and humans alike!