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Rosa Jalbert 'Marty Seligman'


Rosa 'Marty Seligman' is a Jalbert shrub rose bearing deep golden orange blooms with a strong fruity fragrance.

Rosa 'Marty Seligman' is a Jalbert-bred hybrid tea rose with the profuse bloom of a shrub rose named and gifted to Marty in celebration of his 80th birthday by his alumni of the Masters of Positive Psychology program at the University of Pennsylvania. The alumni offer this description: "Meet Marty Seligman! Marty is a blended rose that starts its bloom cycle like a formal tea rose with colors of the sunrise honouring the beginning of the new field of Positive Psychology. As it opens into an English style rose, the colour softens to peach, the taoist representation of immortality, acknowledging that his work will have enduring impact in the world. It is a rooted token memorializing his work, and all that he has meant to us." This rose is a sister seedling to the popular 'Diane Loomer'. It is similar in colour but develops more pink at the petal edges. It is very floriferous with a strong fruity fragrance with notes of lemon and anise and has great disease resistance. Canadian breeder Brad Jalbert of Select Roses is world-renowned for his beautiful, floriferous, and highly disease resistant roses. Bred in coastal BC, they are perfect for our west coast climate but also do remarkably well in diverse regions.

Common Name: Rose

Family: Rosaceae (The Rose Family)

Zone Hardiness: 5-11

Light: Full Sun, Part Sun

Height: 2-4'

Width: 3-5'

Primary Bloom Colour: Orange

Secondary Bloom Colour: Pink

Class: Deciduous

Type: Shrub

Bloom Time: Spring - Fall

Soil Moisture: Average

Stem Colour:

Fragrance: Yes



Deer Resistant: Unknown

BC Native: No

Native Habitat:


Geogrpahical Origin: Miscellaneous - Garden Origin

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