Plant Search » List of Crocus-Fall Plants
Crocus cartwrightianus is a fall-flowering species with palest mauve flowers with purple feathers.
Crocus cartwrightianus 'Albus' has pure white flowers in fall with deep orange pistils and yellow anthers.
Crocus goulimyi is fall-flowering with goblet-shaped, lavender flowers on long tubes.
Crocus laevigatus 'Fontenayi' is a rare fall-flowering species with lovely lavender flowers with dark purple markings.
Crocus ochroleucus is a white fall-flowering species with a beautiful, delicate shape.
Crocus sativus is the purple, October blooming crocus grown to produce saffron, a luxury spice cultivated since the late Bronze Age.
Crocus speciosus is a fall-flowering species with broad, rounded, mauve petals and a dramatic orange pistil.
Crocus speciosus 'Albus' is a fall-flowering species with broad, rounded, pure white petals with deep orange pistils.
Crocus zonatus is a fall-flowering species with light to mid pink flowers with yellow centres.