Plant Search » List of Fragrant Plants
S. japonica 'Limelight' produces bright green flower buds in the fall that open to fragrant white flowers in mid-spring.
Skimmia japonica 'Magic Marlot' is a slow-growing, dwarf cultivar with blue-green and cream variegated leaves perfect and fragrant, white flowers.
Skimmia japonica 'Rubella' features showy, red floral buds in winter that open to fragrant white panicles in the spring.
Smallanthus sonchifolius, known as an earth apple, has sweet, edible storage roots and single yellow flowers.
Speirantha convallarioides resembles lily-of-the-valley in foliage but with short spikes of sweetly fragrant, star-like flowers.
Spirea betulifolia 'Glow Girl' is a cold-hardy, multi-stemmed shrub with white flowers and golden-green foliage.
Spirea japonica 'Double Play Gold' is a cold-hardy, multi-stemmed shrub with pink flowers and golden-green foliage.
Spiraea 'Ogon' is a stunning and very hardy deciduous shrub with golden, willowy leaves and pure white flowers in spring.
Stapelia gigantea is a crazy succulent with amazing flowers that look like huge fuzzy starfish up to 12 inches across!
Stenanthium gramineum or eastern featherbells grass-like leaves topped with a 5 foot tall branching inflorescence of star-like, white, fragrant flowers in late summer.
Strumaria picta is a beautiful candy-cane-coloured species with red and white bell-shaped flowers with a spicy fragrance.
S. truncata White Form has beautiful outward-facing or nodding clusters of white, fragrant, funnel-shaped flowers.
'Pink Chimes' is an unusual and rare pink form of the Japanese snowbell, Styrax japonica.
'Pink Chimes' is an unusual and rare pink form of the Japanese snowbell, Styrax japonica.
Styrax obassia, the fragrant snowbell, is a lesser-known relative of the Japanese snowbell, Styrax japonicus.
Syringa meyeri Flowerfesta Pink is a reblooming, dwarf lilac producing larger-than-average pink, very fragrant, dense panicles.
Syringa meyeri Flowerfesta Purple is a reblooming, dwarf lilac producing larger-than-average purple, very fragrant, dense panicles.
Syringa meyeri Flowerfesta White is a reblooming, dwarf lilac producing larger-than-average white, very fragrant, dense panicles.
Syringa meyeri 'Pearl Potion' is a cold-hardy, compact lilac with pink buds and pure white fragrant flowers.
Syringa vulgaris 'Congo' has warm purple buds opening to lavender flowers.
Syringa vulgaris 'Edward J. Gardner' has unusual pink flowers.
Syringa vulgaris 'Krasavitsa Moskvy' has lavender-pink buds opening to pure white flowers.