Plant Search » List of Fragrant Plants
Asphodeline lutea, king's spear or yellow asphodel, has tall, vertical spikesof fragrant, yellow, lily-like flowers.
'Raydon's Favourite' forms lush mounds of fragrant foliage smothered with hundreds of gorgeous aster flowers in fall.
Astrophytum myriostigma is a cool spineless cactus that forms plump, fleshy, stars covered in white dots.
Astrophytum myriostigma var. nudum is a cool spineless cactus that forms plump, fleshy, stars with smooth grey-green surfaces.
Babiana stricta 'Kew Hybrids' commonly known as Baboon flowers are lightly fragrant, funnel-shaped flowers of white, lavender, pink, blue and purple.
Begonia 'Odorosa Pink' is a fragrant, tuberous begonia with large, double, ruffled, pink blooms.
Begonia 'Odorosa White' is a fragrant, tuberous begonia with large, double white ruffled blooms with yellow centres.
Begonia 'Odorosa Yellow' is a tuberous begonia with large, double blooms of lemon-yellow with dark green foliage.
Begonia 'Pink Delight' is from the Belgium Novelty collection in shades of pink.
Begonia 'Red Glory' is from the Belgium Novelty collection with double, red blooms.
Begonia 'Splendide Apricot' is from the Belgium Novelty collection in double blooms in apricot shades.
Begonia 'Splendida Ballerina' is from the Belgium Novelty collection with double blooms in apricots and yellows.
Begonia 'Sunny Dream' is from the Belgium Novelty collection with double blooms of lemon yellows.
Berlandiera lyrata forms masses of yellow daisies from spring until fall that smell distinctly like dark chocolate.