Plant Search » Primary Bloomcolor
Abelmoschus manihot 'Auntie Lilli's' is an edible salad bele tree with beautiful tri-coloured foliage and hibiscus-like flowers.
Abelmoschus manihot 'Chief Kubo's Prize' has deeply cut palmate leaves and hibiscus-like, light yellow flowers. Both are edible.
Abutilon megapotamicum will bloom constantly from spring until fall with bright yellow and red pendulous lanterns.
Acer 'Joe Witt' is an excellent snakebark maple with bold white, silver and green striations with red highlights that become more pronounced with time.
Achillea filipendulina ‘Gold Plate’ is a yarrow that produces masses of large golden-yellow flowers on tall stems.
Achillea tomentosa ‘Goldie’ is a woolly yarrow that produces clusters of yellow flowers on top of evergreen, fuzzy foliage.
Achillea 'Coronation Gold' is an award-winning yarrow with masses of flat-topped, golden yellow flowers.
Aconitum lamarckii (syn. pyrenaicum) is an unusual monkshood with long airy racemes of pale sulphur yellow tubular flowers.
Aeonium aureum (syn. Greenovia aurea) is known as green rose buds because, when dry, the leaves curl up into a tight rose bud like shape.
Aeonium aureum (syn. Greenovia aurea) ex. El Hierro is a large form of the green rose buds with blue-green leaves.
Aeonium aureum (syn. Greenovia aurea) 'Gran Canaria' is a large form of the green rose buds.
Likely Aeonium (Greenovia) dodrantale forming multi-branching colonies of small rose buds.
Aeonium 'Phoenix Flame' is a stunning architectural succulent with pointed, bold reddish burgundy leaves around green centres.
Aeonium arboreum var. rubrolineatum is an intriguing cultivar with green leaves variably streaked with burgundy.
Aeonium 'Zwartkop' is one of the best succulents for pot culture with burgundy rosettes on stems from 1-3 feet tall.
Aeonium castello-paivae is a dwarf, branching, succulent forming cute mounds of variegated rosettes.
Aeonium haworthii forms small branching shrubs of succulent rosettes with fleshy, spoon-shaped leaves.
Aeonium 'Kiwi' forms bold mounds of succulent foliage lit with bright yellow and detailed with pink.
Aeonium undulatum (syn. A. pseudotabuliforme) is a beautiful succulent with flattened rosettes of rounded, glossy, green leaves.
Aeonium "Green Ripple" is a beautiful plant with apple green foliage with a nice ripple to the leaves and upright, branching stems.