Plant Search » List of Botanically Intriguing Plants
Lampranthus deltoides (syn. Oscularia) has jaggedly toothed, bluish leaves with pink tips and pink flowers.
Lapidaria margaretae has succulent leaves in 1 or 2 pairs per plant. They are silver-blue to silver-white often edged with yellow.
Lavandula stoechas 'New Madrid Blue Improved' is a compact Spanish lavender with bluish purple flowers and ivory white "wings".
Leonotis 'Savannah Sunset' has intriguing rusty orange flowers held at regular intervals on square stems. Blooms earlier than other species. Worth protecting in colder climates.
Leontopodium alpinum 'Blossom of Snow' has larger, white, star-shaped flowers and can rebloom in the fall.
Leucothoe fontanesiana 'Rainbow' has a beautiful tricolour new growth of white, pink, and copper.
Leucothoe fontanesiana 'Scarletta' has new scarlet leaves , then dark glossy green, turns burgundy-red for fall and winter.
Lilium 'Apricot Fudge' is an unusual Asiatic lily with yellow-apricot petals.
Lilium asiatic 'Delicate Joy' has exotic, upward-facing flowers in yellow and apricot with extra smaller petals.
Lilium 'Elodie' has exquisite semi-double, up-facing blooms of pink with an inner ring of smaller pink petals.
Lilium 'Red Twin' has large, semi-double, up-facing blooms of orange-red that are pollen-free and fragrant.
Lilium Kiss 'Belvedere' has exquisite semi-double, up-facing blooms in solid creamy-white on 39 inch tall stems.
Lilium 'Tropical Dragon' is a crazy OT hyrbrid lily with puckered petals with deep lipstick red flowers with green edges.
Lilium hansonii is a rare, fragrant species for shade with thick, fleshy yellow flowers speckled brown.
Lilium lancifolium 'Flore Pleno' is a unique form of tiger lily with crazy double flowers and purple spots.
'Kushi Maya' is an amazing hybrid of the rare Lilium nepalense with Oriental lilies. It has cream flowers with burgundy centres.
Linnaea borealis or twinflower is a lovely native ground cover producing pairs of sweetly fragrant, trumpet-shaped pink flowers.
Lithops aucampiae Burgundy Sun Mix offers plants boldly coloured with red and burgundy with orange speckles and orange sides.
Lithops aucampiae Colourful Mix offers a wide range of colours including red, orange, brown, yellow, green, and blue.
Lithops bromfieldii var. glaudinae offers beautiful reddish pink, reddish purple or purple plants with black speckling.
Lithops julii Chrysanthemum Coat of Arms Mix offers silver-grey plants boldly detailed with shades from light to chestnut brown.
Lithops karasmontana Red Lips Mix has a range of bold reddish detailing atop silver-grey plants.