Plant Search » List of BC Native Plants
Camassia quamash 'Orion' is a gorgeous selection of our true blue BC native with starry flowers on tall spires.
Campanula rotundifolia is a widespread harebell found throughout temperate regions of the northern hemisphere.
Indian paintbrush (Castilleja miniata) is beautiful West Coast native with inflorescences that look like a paintbrush dipped in fiery colours.
Ceanothus velutinus is a beautiful white-flowered species related to the California lilacs with aromatic foliage.
Cornus canadensis, or bunchberry, is an excellent native ground cover for part shade and loose humusy soils.
Cornus sericea (syn. stolonifera) is a beautiful native shrub known as red osier dogwood most famous for its red winter stems.
Cornus sericea 'Sunshine' offers a bright new look to the ever-popular shrubby dogwoods with its gold foliage.
Camassia leichtlinii 'Silk River' is a compact, white-flowered form of the great camas.
Cypripedium californicum is a very rare and exceedingly intriguing lady's slipper that can grow 3-4 feet high with up 21 flowers per stem!
Cypripedium parviflorum is a beautiful native hardy lady’s slipper orchid with a golden yellow pouch and twisted purple to burgundy petals.
Cypripedium planipetalum x fasciolatum offers large, bright yellow pouches with yellow, twisted petals striped with burgundy brown.
Cypripedium x columbianum has twisted burgundy brown petals with pure white to pale yellow slippers.
Cypripedium x columbianum has twisted burgundy brown petals with slippers than can be pure white, creamy white or pale yellow.
Dodecatheon hendersonii is a western North American shooting star locally common at the southern tip of Vancouver Island.
Dodecatheon jeffreyi is a western North American native shooting star with loose umbels of pink, deep pink, or magenta flowers.
Dodecatheon meadia 'Album' has loose umbels of pure white flowers with dramatically reflexed petals like a badminton birdie.
Dodecatheon pulchellum has pink flowers with reflexed petals and white and yellow highlights around near-black stamens.
Dodecatheon pulchellum 'Red Wings' has glowing magenta flowers with reflexed petals and white and yellow highlights.
Epipactis gigantea 'Serpentine Night' is a burgundy form of our native stream orchid.
Eranthis hyemalis Cilicica Group blooms slightly later with larger flowers and more deeply dissected foliage often flushed burgundy.
Erigeron speciosus is a western North American fleabane with attractive lavender or lavender blue flowers.
Eriophyllum lanatum is a BC native that bears charming, fern-like, grey foliage topped with loads of yellow, daisy-like flowers.
Erythronium revolutum has beautiful mottled foliage topped with pink, lily-like flowers in spring.