Plant Search » Plants for Bees
Rhododendron makinoi has funneled, bell-shaped, pink to off-white flowers, sometimes spotted crimson and narrow, lance-shaped leaves.
Rhododendron oreotrephes is a floriferous rhododendron with bluish leaves that smell of warm spices with notes of cinnamon and pine.
Rhodoendron sinogrande has the largest leaves of any rhododendron which can be three feet long and one foot wide.
Rhododendron 'Bloombux' is a dwarf evergreen shrub with soft pink flowers and glossy green leaves.
Rhododendron 'Boule de Neige" midseason flowers are pure white.
Rhododendron 'Bubblegum' has larger flowers than it’s predecessor and makes a terrific show.
Rhododendron 'Capistrano' has large, pastel-yellow flowers with frilly edges and muted, deep green foliage.
Rhododendron 'Cherry Cheesecake' has beautiful white flowers with dark red flecks and lightly ruffled bright pink edges.
Rhododendron 'Cody' has frilly-edged pink flowers, pale yellow overlaid with moderate purplish pink at edges.
'Everred' is a stunning Rhododendron with burgundy leaves and rich, red flowers.
Rhododendron 'Florence Parks' produces abundant whorls of attractive deep purple flowers.
Rhododendron 'Holden's Solar Flair' has medium-large, creamy-yellow flowers, with showy red marks in the throat.
Rhododendron 'Landmark' has large trusses of dark pink flowers with red specked throats and dark bronze winter foliage.
Rhododendron 'Minnetonka' has light purple to pink flowers with yellow-green specks from red-violet flower buds.
Rhododendron 'Nancy Evans' has orange-red buds open to yellow hose-in-hose blossoms in mid-season.
Rhododendron 'Neon' has a vivid orangey-peach with a yellow throat, dark leaves, and compact growing to boot!
Rhododendron 'Percy Wiseman' has rare peach-colored blossoms that appear in midseason.
Rhododendron 'Polarnacht' has frilly deep dark purple blooms with spotted red throats are held in trusses of 12-14.
Rhododendron 'Purple Passion' has regal, deep reddish purple blooms highlighted with white and delicate maroon spots.
Ribes nigrum 'Black September' is a superior black currant variety with firm, large, sweet, juicy berries.